Korea and EU Strengthen Cooperation to Foster Supply Chain Resilience and Economic Security

Korea and EU Strengthen Cooperation to Foster Supply Chain Resilience and Economic Security

In a noteworthy development, Korea and the European Union (EU) have affirmed their commitment to enhancing collaboration in critical areas such as batteries, semiconductors, and advanced industries. This decision follows an announcement by Seoul’s industry ministry during the inaugural meeting of the supply chain and industrial policy dialogue, conducted via teleconference. The meeting, attended by…

Attentive Energy Invests $10.6 Million to Boost New Jersey Offshore Wind Supply Chain and Ocean-Based Startups

New Jersey’s offshore wind industry is set to receive a substantial boost as Attentive Energy, a company proposing an offshore wind farm in the state, commits to investing $10.6 million in projects aimed at nurturing the industry’s supply chain and supporting ocean-based technology startups. Attentive Energy is among the four projects recently proposed in New…