The Potential of Partnerships: Constructing a More Robust Network

At the International Centre for Trade Transparency and Monitoring (ICTTM), we recognize the importance of partnerships in realizing our mission to revolutionize international trade. Our collaborators contribute invaluable expertise, resources, and support, enabling us to build a platform that will revolutionize how businesses and governments operate in the global marketplace.

Our Esteemed Partners: We are pleased to work with a wide variety of partners, including organizations that have invested in our mission as shareholders. Each associate contributes distinctive strengths to our network, allowing us to develop a comprehensive and cutting-edge solution for the international trade community.

Chambers and Associations

The Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI)
Association of Trade & Commerce
International Trade Council
International Chamber of Investment and Business
West London Chambers of Commerce



Myedu International Inc

Join Our Partner Network: We are constantly seeking new partners who share our vision and can contribute to the ICTTM’s development and success.Learn more here.