The ADAMftd platform, which is presently in development, aims to serve as a valuable tool for companies looking to investigate and address potential violations of trade regulations. The platform aims to assist businesses in identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks within their supply chains by leveraging advanced analytics and real-time data.

  • Finding anomalies: The analytics capabilities of the platform will be designed to identify anomalous patterns or inconsistencies in trade-related data, which may indicate possible violations of trade regulations. By identifying these red flags early, companies can address issues and maintain compliance.
  • Extensive data analysis: The platform will consolidate and analyze various types of data, including shipment records, financial transactions, and supply chain information, in order to provide a comprehensive view of a company’s trade activities. This in-depth analysis will allow businesses to identify problem areas and implement the necessary corrective measures.
  • Record-keeping and reporting: The ADAMftd platform will provide features to facilitate record-keeping and reporting of trade compliance efforts, ensuring that companies can easily demonstrate their commitment to regulatory authorities. This documentation may be crucial in the event that regulatory agencies conduct audits or investigations.


By integrating the ADAMftd platform into their compliance processes, companies will be better equipped to investigate and resolve potential violations of trade regulations, preserve their reputation and avoid legal penalties.