Korean Battery Manufacturers Explore Lithium Investments in Chile to Supply US Market

Korean Battery Manufacturers Explore Lithium Investments in Chile to Supply US Market

Chile, a major player in the lithium market, is attracting attention from South Korean battery manufacturers looking to establish processing plants in the country, according to Karla Flores, the executive director of InvestChile, Chile’s foreign investment promotion body. The Korean companies, including Posco Holdings Inc., SK Group, and LG Corp., are interested in assisting Chile…

German Supply Chain Act Enhances Ethical Practices: A Step Towards Strengthening Corporate Responsibility

German Supply Chain Act Enhances Ethical Practices: A Step Towards Strengthening Corporate Responsibility

In a recent development, German companies are grappling with the intensified provisions of the country’s Supply Chain Act, implemented at the start of the year. The updated legislation now requires companies with a minimum of 1,000 employees to adhere to stricter human rights and environmental due diligence obligations, a significant reduction from the previous threshold…